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An Excerpt from the introduction to the Innocent Warriors

The Introduction below comes directly from our custom Innocent Warriors© Six part Women's Self Defense Seminar Series...

The Criminal Mind…  It's about selfishness ... the different manifestations of criminal behavior is just a matter of style. Stanton Samenow, PhD

Welcome to Innocent Warriors©. You should know at the outset that people (guys as well as ladies) who are threatened and fight back "in self defense" can actually risk making a situation worse, either with too little or excessive force. The attacker with little to lose, who is already edgy and pumped up on adrenaline — and who knows what else — may become even more angry and violent. So then why take this course? Because you have a right to stop someone from hurting you under any situation, but to do it successfully, you must be prepared.

The best time to avoid a potential attack is before it happens, trusting in your instincts. We call this situational awareness. Your intuition, combined with your common sense, can help get you out of trouble, even before you get into it. We will discuss the differences between distinct situations and levels of aggression, what to expect if you find yourself in one and how to be best prepared to react. Attackers aren't always strangers who jump out of dark alleys. The majority of violent attacks are made by a prior acquaintance, a person minding their own business could be assaulted by someone under the influence, and given the wrong situation anyone can be attacked by a neighbor or spouse. That's where important self defense skills called negotiation and de-escalation come into play....

You can read the entire Intoduction here!

Ever thought of what it would take to get yourself out of a scary and most likely dangerous personal situation? If you answered no then you are probably under the impression that something terrible can only happen to "other" people. For those who answered yes, at least you are aware of the real world that we all have to survive in (if you are interested in understanding more on this mindset check out this post, Rousing the Female Warrior Spirit). Acknowledging that bad people are out there is not paranoia, its a fact, and it doesn't mean that we are overly aggressive women because we want to be confident enough to walk through life knowing that if a situation did arise putting us or our families in danger, that we at least have some training in how to deal with it.

Innocent Warriors Women's Self Defense @PhoenixDragon

The cost for the two, 3-4 hour sessions is just $100 and the course usually runs consecutively on a Saturday or Sunday, though a custom time-frame is possible with a large enough group. Each session is limited to ~12 women. This course is usually schedule 2 to 3 times per year but we will produce Innocent Warriors upon request as long as the group includes three or more women.

Being  a women and marital artist, I've seen a lot of "self defense" courses and honestly they have always left me questioning...There had to be a better way to train for these situations because I knew that circumstances varied widely between them requiring differing approaches to be successful. Many courses jump right into demonstrating how to smash some guy's Adam's Apple into his throat and then go through a number of complex moves that I know as a martial artist may be difficult to pull off in a real life situation, especially for women. 

Innocent Warriors©  is a multi-part, custom series developed by myself (3rd Dan Hapkido and Guazabara black belt) with assistance from my husband, also a martial artist, with information from long time experts in self defense and the criminal field. Produced in an informal, women only private setting, Innocent Warriors© is designed to provide an understanding of the dynamics of self defense from a women's perspective and the situations that require its use or more preferably the avoidance of it. Unlike those other courses that start out with violence, our focus will always be on intuition, situational awareness, control and escape with well thought out, realistic approaches and techniques.

        Session 1 Topics

  • Interpersonal Aggression
  • Anger and Hostility
  • Violence Under the Influence

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        Session 2 Topics

  • Criminal Violence 
  • Captive Situation/Active Shooter Survival
  • Self-Defense Training Review

Some quotes from recent students:

"I thought it [Innocent Warrior] was terrific! It definitely inspires me to take more classes to reinforce what we learned and have the reactions tactics become more automatic.  I need to read the remainder of the book, but the first half was enlightening. I wish this were a class offered back in my high school days, before I went off to college. Every woman should know this before entering the 'real world'!  Thanks for the class!"

"My daughter and I participated in the Innocent Warriors class. This class is excellent. The instructor is passionate, knowledgeable and effective. I encourage all women to take this class."

"This class [Innocent Warriors] is well worth the time and money. I encourage every woman to take this class! It's more than a self defense class that teaches you a few defense moves. This class has helped me to better understand the reality of what's happening around me and, in turn, has built my confidence through awareness in my day to day life. I will be participating in the refresher sessions once a month as they're offered. Meghan is an amazing person and great instructor! SIGN UP LADIES!!! I promise you won't regret it!“ 

"I just finished taking the women's self defense course [Innocent Warriors] at Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts and it was amazing! If you have not done something like this before, or even if you have, I would highly recommend this and the instructor was amazing! I can't wait for a refresher course."

"I have had to defend myself a number of times. I am happy to know if I need to again I will know some new things"

"Great mother / daughter class!"

"The class was excellent - well designed. I'm more familiar with criminal violence so this was very interesting."

Type your paragraph here.

The next scheduled series will be held on: To Be Determined

Meghan Ventura, Women's self defense instructor