Active Killer:

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Urban Survival Response Training (#USRT) Port Angeles @Phoenix Dragon
#USRT @PhoenixDragon Port Angeles WA

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Phoenix Dragon Urban Survival Response Training (#USRT) Port Angeles
Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts & USRT Port Angeles WA

This exciting reality based training program examines today’s potential threats to you and your family. It seems like every time you turn on the TV there is some kind of active killer scenario playing out on the news. We have taken our general program and created a 5 hour seminar with updated information together with new drills and new real world scenarios designed to bring out the best (and worst) survival instincts, tactics and strategies. This hands on course, utilizing weapons like knives, pistols and long guns (assault rifles, shot guns etc.) is designed to investigate successful outcomes while removing the novelty of the situation. Some topics we have based scenarios around are:

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* There have been over 750 Active shooter incidents worldwide with over 8500 casualties, 486 total US deaths between 2000-2013 (not including the shooters)

Everyone pretty much knows that our styles of martial arts, Hapkido and Guazabara are all about close in, hand to hand CQC/CQB (Close Quarter Combat/Battle) and close combat is common in urban combat theaters. But we realize that there is much more to self-protection, especially in today’s crazy world. With all of the broad daylight robberies and single and recently double armed active shooters, the customary methods of the past truly require a different, perhaps less traditional perspective for general population defense.

Urban Survival Response Training


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* The people on the scene ARE the first responders.

So we created this street clothes, less formal ongoing urban survival course that pulls from our martial arts techniques (along with other pertinent discipline's) but examines specific situations that any of us could find ourselves in. The course is structured by first outlining one of the numerous scenarios happening monthly and determining the best solutions from a psychological and combative perspective that will push the odds in our favor to survive it.

One of our main goals is to “remove novelty.”  Novel situations combined with stress often force our brains to operate in a more instinctive manner.  When operating this way, higher order thinking isn’t possible.  Our goal as trainers is to introduce our students to as many possible situations as we can so that the student has a mental reference in the event they experience similar situations in the future.  If the student has already thought through an incident and come up with a viable solution, the brain is less likely to shift into “instinctive” mode and more likely to remain capable of intellectual thought.  We accomplish this by breaking each scenario down into weekly workshops.

* Active shooters are average, non-professionals, around 5'8", 165 lbs, Not a tactical person, just a person on a mission... but they are learning!

These Workshops are designed to provide pertinent exercises and drills that could be useful in defending that specific threat. The scenarios themselves are the culmination of workshops leading up to real world situations that you must use your training and instincts to find your way to safety. In this way the student must work through realistic thought processes to determine the best course of action given a fluid, dynamic and hypothetically dangerous situation. After the scenario activity is complete, a new set of workshops for a new scenario is selected for study next.

​* Only 2.4 million people have trained in any sort of self defense. With 300 million in the US, training is the only way to make yourself successful in these circumstances.

Workshops are held every Monday evening from 6pm to ~7pm. We will study each scenario any where from 4 to 6 weeks. When the workshops are complete, the following Saturday will be spent running through live situations designed to bring out the tactics and strategies outlined and practiced in the workshops. These can run anywhere from 1 to 2 hours and will normally be held at 12 noon, Saturday and may be held in the school or off site on location. Attire is loose fitting street clothing you would normally find yourself wearing out in public. When we are in the school, you can either go bare foot or wear mat shoes designed to protect the mat.  No real weapons are allowed in the school, if you conceal carry, please be sure to secure your weapon prior to coming in the school. If you are epileptic or subject to seizures, please advise the instructors upfront.

* Unarmed citizens attempted to restrain the shooter in only 13% of the incidents studied.

It may never happen to you, but this thought provoking class is as much interesting and fun as it is serious. Now is the time to learn the steps necessary to defend yourself, friends and/or family members. Classes are limited to 16 student participants.

The next installment of USRT...

This 5 hour seminar is just $100/person or $75 for current Phoenix Dragon students. LE and First Responder discounts apply. $50 non-refundable deposit is required as the seminar is limited to 16 people. Call now @ 360.808.7303 to make your reservation today. 

Who should attend? Anyone ages 18 and older that  wishes to gain a deeper understanding of how these scenes play out and how to make the best decisions possible under the pressure of the situation to increase your chances of survival. This course isn't designed to make you a hero, but strives to enhance your ability to make better decisions based on your training by trying different tactics in a safe but critical environment.

Here's what people are saying...

"After attending several of the Urban Survival Response Training classes, I am completely convinced this type of training is needed for the everyday person. It raised my awareness level and gave me the confidence to fight the issues we face in personal safety today, not with fear, but knowledge. This class is training me mentally and physically to be able to have a good plan to protect my family and self.  The hands-on scenarios are very empowering! ​"

"I'm about to go to the second USRT class! This is going to be awesome. I highly recommend this class to everyone, especially people who carry. Every scenario is different and this is a great way to prepare yourself in case you find yourself in bad situation."

"Tonight was my first [Urban Survival] class! It's awesome hands on training! I learned allot just in the hour and half I was there. I can't wait til next week! If you even just have an inkling of interest in trying this come on out in October! You will learn allot and have so much fun."

Check out our most recent article on our blog, Urban Survival Response Training

Group and Company Programs


Using U-SRT as a foundation, we have  developed a  seminar series to specifically address company, school and church safety requirements as they relate to active shooter attacks.  These your site or ours programs are designed to address procedural safety and the establishment of proper defense guidelines as well as defensive training against empty handed and weaponized attacks. Generally, this training is held at your location and is tailorable to your groups specific requirements. The training program itself takes about 4-5 hours and further, advanced training is available. Call us at 306.808.7303 to discuss your specific requirements.

Our last scenario...

Home/Business/Vehicle Invasion 
In this scenario we will be departing from the active shooter style attacks and focusing in more on how to approach home, business or vehicle invasions. When someone invades your space, they are doing it because they want something. Property never wins out over life, but when life is threatened decisive actions are necessary. 

We will cover weapon and empty hand defense against intruders with guest speakers discussing how to divide space and distance or "Pie" around corners along with clearing techniques for rooms and hallways. We'll also be studying various methods of carjackings and their defense.

The next Live Scenario will be scheduled soon. We are always looking for extras. If you would like to play a part as a non-combative participant in an actor role please contact Meghan at 360-808-7303.